Student writing in a notebook

Need Help With Your Writing?

Writing Support Services offers assistance and support to students with any type of writing, throughout all stages of the writing process.


For Students

Schedule a one-on-one conversation with a peer or professional tutor on any writing assignment, at any stage of the writing process.

Some of the areas covered by our tutors:

  • Understanding your assignment
  • Brainstorming/prewriting
  • Development/focus/thesis
  • Organization 
  • Citations
  • Sentence revisions (including grammar, punctuation, and word choice)

For Faculty

  • Class visits (10–15 minute presentation from a tutor on Writing Support Services)*
  • One-on-one consultations on writing assignment design and implementation

*Questions or to request a class visit: email Abdi Hajikandi

Hours and Appointments


Monday, Tuesday 10:00 am to 9:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm; 7:00pm - 9:00 pm (Virtual)
Thursday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Location:  Butler Library 143


Although we do accommodate walk-ins when possible, we strongly encourage you to make an appointment; this is the only way to guarantee that you'll be seen by a tutor on a particular day or time. 

Making Your Appointment

  • Log into Navigate360.
  • Select "Schedule an Appointment" and select "Writing Support Services."
  • Indicate on the form what you would like help with, then choose your preferred day, time, and tutor.
  • Under "location," choose to meet in person or online. 
    - Professional Tutors:  Irene Sipos, Wendy Scott, Barrett (Charles) Gordon
    - Peer Tutors: Elijah, Madison, Taylor, Samantha, Zahara, Marissa, Kaitlyn